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The very first boss you encounter in Lords of The Fallen is the Lightreaper. This relentless hunter pursues you for three different battles throughout your journey until you finally beat the creature. With a dangerous Mount and damaging fire attacks, this enemy can be an overwhelming challenge each time. You must defeat the Lightreaper to progress to new areas and earn tons of valuable rewards.

The Lightreaper rides a fire-breathing dragon with its own moves and attacks that deal Burn damage, and even build up the Ignite condition. This causes your character to take damage over time, similar to Scarlet Rot in Elden Ring. An Ignite Cure can get rid of this status effect, but you may also spend two points in any Stat as you level up to increase your resistance to any negative affliction in Lords of The Fallen.

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The Lightreaper Boss Move List

Lords of The Fallen Lightreaper's Mount Attacking Character with Various Attacks in Move List

Even though you will fight the Lightreaper three times in Lords of The Fallen, you can begin to learn the attack patterns for both it and its mount early. Unlike early game bosses from other Souls-like titles such as the Parade Master from Lies of P, the Lightreaper is a literal trial by fire.

You need to defeat the dragon mount first before the hunter steps off to get rid of the fire attacks that are the hardest to avoid.



How to Beat

Mount Attack: Diving Strike

While in the air, the dragon Mount flies down to attack you with a diving swing of its claws.

Move away from the spot where the Mount will dive to for its attack.

Mount Attack: Fire Breath

The dragon Mount creates a line of fire that Burns and could cause Ignite if you stand too long in the flames.

Run from the initial fire to avoid taking any damage, then make sure to avoid the lava trail created that would cause Ignite.

Double Slash

When the boss is dismounted, it can use dual swords in a melee attack, swinging them in wide slashes one after the other.

Either block each consecutive strike from this combo attack or back up to avoid every swipe of the swords.

Downward Strike

The boss stabs their sword toward the ground to cause a small shockwave that cannot be blocked.

Dodge directly backward from the spot the Lightreaper hits.

Twin Sword Swing

The Lightreaper makes a simple melee attack using both of their swords.

Block this strike or Dodge out of the way.

Ranged Arc Swipe

Taking both blades, the boss creates a fast projectile that follows a straight path toward its target.

If you are close to the boss, this attack can be difficult to Dodge. If you are farther away, you should have enough time to roll to the side before the projectile hits.

Leaping Strike

The boss leaps into the air before landing back on the ground with a heavy stab of at least one sword.

Move or Dodge to the opposite direction of the Lightreaper's leap as soon as the boss jumps, or directly toward the spot where the enemy leaped from.

Thrusting Stab

The Lightreaper takes a moment before charging forward toward you with a stab of their sword(s).

Dodge to the side immediately as you see the attack coming.

Charging Spin Slashes

Moving with incredible speed, the boss advances toward you while spinning its swords together, cutting anything that gets close to it.

Block the series of strikes from the spinning attack or Move out of the way until the boss stops charging.

Fire Explosion

Even without the Mount, the Lightreaper can still use fire attacks such as this explosion AoE that spreads outward from the boss.

Move away before the explosion, since blocking this attack causes you to gain Wither.

Lines of Flame

The boss creates multiple lines of fire similar to the single path its Mount would make.

Run away from the fire and make sure not to stand in the paths created. The space of the arena becomes smaller due to the many lines of fire created, so be careful.

Burning Combination

The Lightreaper jumps into the air, spinning in place to unleash fire projectiles before landing with a flame-fueled attack from above.

Distance yourself from the boss as soon as they go into the air. This gives you space to avoid each projectile ahead of time, and plenty of time to anticipate the follow-up attack to Dodge.

The First Encounter

Lords of The Fallen First Encounter with The Lightreaper Tutorial Boss

The first time you encounter the Lightreaper is in the Defiled Sepulchre, the starting area of Lords of The Fallen. In the same way you are forced to lose to the Grafted Scion in Elden Ring, you are not supposed to beat the Lightreaper at this point in the game.

The fire attacks from the boss' Mount should kill you fairly quickly, with only those who have reached New Game+ standing a real chance against the hunter.

The Second Encounter

Lords of The Fallen The Lightreaper Second Encounter

You'll encounter the Lightreaper again once you reach Fitzroy's Gorge, this time with far better tools to actually challenge this boss and its Mount. Fire attacks are a staple here, along with portals the boss can summon to suddenly move around the arena. Try not to get caught off guard as you try to damage the Mount enough to force the Lightreaper off the dragon for a faster-paced duel against this opponent in Lords of The Fallen.

Stay patient to find windows to damage the boss, especially right as the hunter gets off their Mount. As the Lightreaper is getting off the dragon, you have a chance to attack a few times before the boss draws their dual swords. Defeating the Lightreaper here in Lords of The Fallen causes them to retreat for a final and brutal battle where the hunter adopts some new tricks.

The Third Encounter

Lords of The Fallen Shadow of Lightreaper Boss After it is Defeated in Third Encounter

The last time you encounter the Lightreaper is at the outskirts of Bramis Castle in the Upper Calrath Plaza location. Wielding the same moves as before, only this time without the Mount, the boss has the ability to slowly recover health during the fight. You'll need to destroy the Umbral Entity above the boss arena to remove this effect, otherwise, this boss fight is almost impossible to beat in Lords of The Fallen.

The dragon Mount will attack as you fight the Lightreaper during this encounter, mainly using its Fire Breath attack as you try to evade the hunter's strikes.

After the second encounter, there should be nothing you haven't already seen from this boss, allowing you to be aggressive enough to eventually take it down. The rewards for defeating the Lightreaper are a Vestige Seed, 25 Umbral Scouring, Lightreaper Flesh, and The Lightreaper's Umbral Parasite. You also receive boss items in Lords of The Fallen from the Remembrance of the Lightreaper after you Soulflay the Stigma after the fight.

Those who beat the Lightreaper in Lords of The Fallen can exchange its Remembrance for a number of powerful items, from the boss' dual blades to numerous kinds of weapons and armor.

  • Lords of the Fallen Custom Poster
    Lords of the Fallen (2023)
    PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S
    CI Games
    Fantasy, Action RPG
    Online Co-Op
    Unreal Engine 5
    Not Yet Rated
    The Lords of the Fallen is a single-player/co-op Action-RPG set in a high fantasy setting, acting as a soft reboot of the original entry, Lords of the Fallen. Over a thousand years after the first game's events, The Lords of the Fallen will set players in a massive world -one five times the size of the original - filled with NPC quests, dungeons, bosses, and other surprises that await. To navigate the lands between the living and the dead, players will fully customize their hero before embarking on the adventure. They can tackle the entire game solo or cooperatively with a friend online. The Lords of the Fallen emphasizes fast-action combat and a souls-like approach to world navigation. The release date hasn't been set for the title, but it will be exclusively available on PC and next-generation consoles.