Baldur's Gate 3 offers a stunning array of spells, each with its own unique effects. What sets this game apart is the alternative interactions of spells that can lead to even more creative and surprising outcomes. Whether you’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 since its release or are brand-new to the game, experimenting with different spells is an exciting way to explore the world of Faerûn.

By using their creativity, players can discover some unique and inventive outcomes. For example, casting Thunderwave on a group of enemies to push them into a trap. This can be something simple like an explosive barrel, but preparing a Glyph of Warding can be devastating. While they may not be the best spells in Baldur’s Gate 3, you can take these seven lesser-used spells for their alternate results in and out of combat.

7 Dancing Lights

Baldur's Gate 3 Dancing Lights Alternate Use
Baldur's Gate 3 Dancing Lights Blocking Vent

This concentration Cantrip creates magical orbs of light illuminating a 9m wide area. The game does not tell players that this can also be used to block vents and disable a trap. You must be careful, though, as Dancing Lights only lasts ten turns, which can pass quickly when out of combat.

6 Fog Cloud/Darkness

Baldur's Gate 3 Darkness & Fog Cloud Alternate Uses

Fog Cloud and Darkness are spells that can heavily obscure an area and blind targets. These can be used to sneak up on foes and hide during combat. However, they can also be cast to obscure an area and steal objects without being seen. This is fantastic for unlocking a chest in a town or taking a magical item on display.

5 Ray of Frost

Baldur's Gate 3 Ray of Frost Alternate Uses

Ray of Frost is a cantrip that deals damage and slows an enemy's movement speed by 3m. Alternatively, this spell can be used to put out a fire surface. There are multiple ways to accomplish this same goal in Baldur’s Gate 3, but Ray of Frost will also leave behind a water surface where the fire was located. This can be frozen or electrocuted to deal additional damage to enemies.

4 Grease/Cloud of Daggers

Baldur's Gate 3 Grease & Cloud Of Daggers Alternative Uses

Grease and Cloud of Daggers are Conjuration spells that envelop an 18m wide area. The former covers the ground in grease, slowing creates and possibly making them fall prone. Most players know a fire spell can blow up this area, typically using the Fire Bolt Cantrip in Baldur’s Gate 3. Enemies often try to avoid difficult terrain, making this spell an excellent tool for funneling enemies. Cloud of Daggers works similarly by summoning a storm of floating daggers that attack anyone inside. These spells will cause enemies to avoid the area, protecting allies.

3 Create or Destroy Water

Baldur's Gate 3 Create or Destroy Water Alternate Uses

This spell simply destroys a water-based surface or creates rain, dousing targets and creating a water surface instead. Create or Destroy Water is great for putting out fire surfaces and burning objects. Alternatively, you can cast this spell to douse an enemy, revealing them if they are in stealth. This also applies the Wet status effect, giving them a vulnerability to both cold and lightning damage.

2 Goodberry

Baldur's Gate 3 Goodberry Alternate Uses

Goodberry is a level 1 Transmutation spell that creates four berries. These can be eaten to regain 1-4 hit points. While this appears to be an alternative way to heal, Goodberry can also be used to offset the need for Camp Supplies. Each berry only counts as one Camp Supply, but this can be cast by multiple party members in camp before taking a Long Rest. This can help to alleviate the pressure of Tactician difficulty, which requires 80 Camp Supplies for a full Long Rest.

1 Web

Baldur's Gate 3 Web Alternative Uses

Web is a level 2 Conjuration spell that creates an 18m wide, flammable webbing that slows creatures and possibly applies the Enwebs. Enwebbed targets cannot move and have a disadvantage on attack rolls and dexterity checks. What makes this spell so useful is a bonus effect outside of combat. Casting Web on a surface will cushion the ground, eliminating fall damage for anyone who lands in the area. While Feather Fall can also give allies immunity to fall damage, Web is also helpful in combat. Like Grease and Cloud of Daggers, foes often avoid the sticky surface. For more alternative spell interactions in Baldur's Gate 3, check out Toyhouze on YouTube.

Source: Toyhouze/YouTube

  • Baldur's Gate 3
    Baldur's Gate
    macOS, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 5
    Larian Studios
    Larian Studios
    Larian Studios
    Baldur's Gate 3 is a long-anticipated sequel to Baldur's Gate 2, released in 2000 from BioWare and now being handled by Larian Studios. Set 120 years after the events of Shadows of Amn, Baldur's Gate 3 puts players in the role of a customizable protagonist who has been captured and infected with a parasite that will turn them into a mind flayer. Before the process is complete, the ship they are on crashes, leaving them on a quest to cure themselves as they meet up with other survivors. Gameplay is turn-based and can be played co-operatively online or tackled alone in a single-player campaign with NPC allies. 
    How Long To Beat:
    22h 21m
    Baldur's Gate 2